
Merry Christmas!

To my followers and to those who have just found me today! Merry Christmas, and remember the best gift you can give yourself is self-motivation, and self-accomplishment. Keep striving, and work on making yourself better at what you do and who you are! :)

Again Merry Christmas!



Female Figure Studies and an odd man out.

5 - 10 minute studies, (not really sure)

Designated imaginary lightsources, I feel like I got this part down, just need to refine the lines on the figures in the future.

Still need more practice.!

Resources from Around the Web.

While I was looking for good references for certain things, I came across these simple but very helpful gems. I'm sure I have more somewhere, but Where, I do not know @u@.

The Planes of the Face:

Atmospheric Perspective (different for actual perspective)

Over a hundred different face references:

Tips on expressing emotions in the face:

Reference for Environments and Lighting:

Clothing and Drapery References:

And an online site for Anatomy work:

Just Figure references:



MMA From memory

1.5 From memory painting.

Kind of a boring, pose, could be more dynamic, next one will be... I'm sure.

Male Figures.

Some male figure studies, with muscle mass, a little easier than expected

1 hr created my own light sources, and painted the forms from memory  on the
human figure. :D


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Mini Skirts and Mesh

Form and figure study. 1.5hrs
Right away, I can see her head is way to big and not at the right angle, thankfully that wasn't y goal, the shadows are too small on the wall, colors are a little too de-saturated again. She isn't leaning at the correct angle, which is why her hands and legs are wrong, her left leg, is also very twisted. Ugh

went back in... so this what i came up with.


SUPER QUICK color study

Just a 20 minute color study, i know some are too saturated,
 but i wanted the overall tones from the trees and grass

a quick update